By Tim Wusz
These "light ends" evaporate in the intake manifold
during a cold start thereby providing vapors The manner in which racing
gasoline is stored is very important if you want to have the same quality
product after storage that you had prior to storage. This can be just as
important for your lawn mower gasoline as it is for the gasoline you use
in your race car. If the proper storage procedures are not used, some of
the "light ends" (hydrocarbons that boil at ambient temperatures) can be
lost when the storage container is opened. to the combustion chamber for
ease of starting. Even more important, the loss of these "light ends" can
contribute to lost octane quality and reduced power, which can be detrimental
in racing. These problems can be minimized by following a few general rules.
1. Store racing gasoline in a cool place.
2. Store racing gasoline in steel 55-gallon drums or steel 5-gallon cans with tightly sealed caps. This does not include most plastic jugs since their sealing ability will not contain the vapors of gasoline. Some plastic jugs allow the gasoline to be exposed to sunlight which deteriorates the tetraethyl lead in the gasoline which in turn reduces the octane numbers.
3. If your storage container is warm or hot, put it in the shade to cool down before opening it. This will help to retain the "light ends".
4. 76 Racing Gasoline has a longer shelf life than street gasoline due to lower levels of olefins and higher levels of additives to resist gum formation. Storage for two years in a cool place in tightly sealed containers is not a problem.